Country - Germany
Summary - Tft Monitore
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 99293497
Product classification - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 99293497
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: To equip additional workstations, 24-inch monitors (height adjustable, HDMI, display port, USB connection) with at least a 12-month guarantee are urgently needed. Due to limited storage space, these should be available in batches (50 uni ts).local title:: TFT Monitorelocal description: : Für die Ausstattung weiterer Arbeitsplätze werden dringend Monitore 24 Zoll (höhenverstellbar, HDMI, DiplayPort, USB Anschluss) mit mindestens 12 Monaten Garantie benötigt. Aufgrund von geringer Lagerfläche sollen diese chargenweise (50 Stück) abgerufen werden können. lot_details: 1: TFT Monitore
It Ref Id - 99293497
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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