Spare Parts And Accessories For Vehicles

XANKƏNDI SƏHƏRINDƏ, AGDƏRƏ VƏ XOCALI RAYONLARINDA BƏRPA, TIKINTI VƏ IDARƏETMƏ XIDMƏTI PUBLIK HUQUQI SƏXSI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Spare Parts And Accessories For Vehicles in . The tender was released on Dec 11, 2024.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Spare Parts And Accessories For Vehicles

Deadline - login to view

IT reference number - 99535918

Product classification - Lubricating preparations

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  IT Ref Id - 99535918

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Spare Parts And Accessories For Vehicleslocal title:: Nəqliyyat vasitələri üçün ehtiyyat hissələri və aksesuarları lot_details: 1: Lubricating oil (LITOL), 2: Add blue, 3: Oil syringe, 4: Complete set key, 5: Medical supply bo x, 6: Tire repair shop, 7: Mitsubishi L200 (2023) trunk protection (Plasma), 8: Mitsubishi L200 (2023) floor mats, 9: Mitsubishi Outlander (2023) floor mats, 10: Front wheel guard Mitsubishi L200 (six-wheel drive), 11: Antifreeze 1.5L, 12: Snow chain (iron), 13: Windshield (patpers) Mitsubishi L200 (2023), 14: Windshield sealant, 15: Wheel 4 chapter 9.00/ R20

It Ref Id - 99535918

Deadline - Nov 30, -0001


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