Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - "Republican Sanatorium For Tuberculosis And Respiratory Diseases For Children And Adolescents Named After Professor Gindes" Phs - Purchase Of Printed Goods
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 99105136
Product classification - Writing paper
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 99105136
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: "Republican Sanatorium For Tuberculosis And Respiratory Diseases For Children And Adolescents Named After Professor Gindes" Phs - Purchase Of Printed Goodslocal title:: "PROFESSOR GİNDES ADINA RESPUBLİKA UŞAQ VƏ YENİYETMƏLƏR ÜÇ ÜN VƏRƏM VƏ TƏNƏFFÜS ORQANLARI XƏSTƏLİKLƏRİ SANATORİYASI" PHŞ- MƏTBƏƏ MALLARININ SATINALINMASI lot_details: 1: PERSONNEL PERSONAL DATA SHEET, 2: COMPANY LETTERS-, 3: Ucot book of salary calculation, 4: WAGES ACCOUNTING BOOK 100 SHEETS, 5: Memorial order, 6: Menu -black and white, 7: Ledger - A4, 100 sheets with sticker printing, 8: General blood analysis black and white, 9: laboratory referral form, 10: laboratory referral form,
It Ref Id - 99105136
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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