Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Purchasing Spare Parts For Vehicles
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 99629891
Product classification - Lubricating preparations
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 99629891
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchasing Spare Parts For Vehicleslocal title:: Nəqliyyat vasitələrinə ehtiyyat hissələrin satınalınması lot_details: 1: Gasoline filter, 2: Oil 5/40 4 liters, 3: Air Filter, 4: Tire - Winter (215/60/16), 5: Grenade (right - l eft), 6: Clutch cylinder (plastic), 7: Nozzle, 8: Oil Filter, 9: Oil change (Manual cost), 10: Tire change (Manual cost), 11: Jitgis 1 liter, 12: Antifreeze 5 liters, 13: Naklatka (front and back), 14: Candle (Swedish), 15: Solidor
It Ref Id - 99629891
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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