Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Purchase Of Current Repair, Construction And Household Materials
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 99934294
Product classification - Broken and crushed stone
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 99934294
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Current Repair, Construction And Household Materialslocal title:: Cari təmir-tikinti və təsərrüfat materiallarının satın alınması lot_details: 1: Concrete B20 (M200), 2: Cement -M400 (40kg bag), 3: Reinforced concr ete well, 4: Reinforced concrete pipe with seat, 5: Tile adhesive, 6: Granite adhesive (glue), 7: Agdag (primer), 8: Agdag (face), 9: Ceramic pan, 10: Drywall, 11: profile U, 12: profile C, 13: Drywall screw, 14: Syrup 50 pieces, 15: Scorpion for drywall
It Ref Id - 99934294
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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