Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Purchase Of Construction Materials, Spare Parts For Pumping Equipment, Spare Parts For Machinery And Mechanisms, And Lubricants For Repair And Construction Works.
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 100253251
Product classification - Broken and crushed stone
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 100253251
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Construction Materials, Spare Parts For Pumping Equipment, Spare Parts For Machinery And Mechanisms, And Lubricants For Repair And Construction Works.local title:: Təmir-tikinti işləri üzrə tikinti materiallarının,nas os avadanlıqları üçün ehtiyat hissələrinin,maşın-mexanizmlərə ehtiyat hissələrinin,sürtkü yağlarının satın alınması. lot_details: 1: Hamut, 2: Hermetic, 3: Antipas, 4: Paint, 5: Thinner, 6: Bandage, 7: Brush, 8: Iron brush, 9: Water-tight door QS 80x80, 10: Cement M400 (40 kg bag), 11: Sand washed, 12: Gravel 05-15mm, 13: Armature f 12, 14: Welding rod, 15: Burnt wire 3 mm D/C
It Ref Id - 100253251
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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