Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - "Procurement Of Various Types Of Goods And Other Current Demand Goods Required For The Needs Of Mingachevir City Mktk For 2025"
Deadline - Apr 08, 2025
IT reference number - 104398596
Product classification - Shrubs
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 104398596
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: "Procurement Of Various Types Of Goods And Other Current Demand Goods Required For The Needs Of Mingachevir City Mktk For 2025"local title:: “Mingəçevir şəhər MKTK-nın 2025-ci il üzrə ehtiyacları üçün tələb olunan müxt lif növ mal-material və digər cari təlabat mallarının satınalınması” lot_details: 1: Shear sput, 2: Glove, 3: Kifari Tingi, 4: Sam tree ting, 5: Lilac wood tingi, 6: Golden flower bushes, 7: The season, 8: Welding cubar, 9: Shovel, 10: Hosen (40m long, 11: Cart (iron), 12: Brightened paint, 13: Solvent, 14: Nail ordinary, 15: Cement, 1: Wooden, 2: Parking (polkarbinat), 3: Engine oil, 4: Ribiroit, 5: Otbican machine, 6: the disc of ma
It Ref Id - 104398596
Deadline - Apr 08, 2025
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