Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Procurement Of Laboratory Reagents And Spare Parts For Laboratory Equipment For The Medical Service Of The Ministry Of Emergency Situations
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 99535916
Product classification - Other halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 99535916
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Procurement Of Laboratory Reagents And Spare Parts For Laboratory Equipment For The Medical Service Of The Ministry Of Emergency Situationslocal title:: FHN-nin Tibb Xidmətinə Laboratoriya reaktivlərinin və laboratoriya avadanlıqla rının ehtiyyat hissələrinin satınalınması lot_details: 1: AFP Elecsys cobas e 100 V2, 2: AFP CS G2 Elecsys V2.1, 3: AMYL Gen.2, 300Tests, cobas c, Integra, 4: NH3L, 150Tests, cobas c, Integra, 5: NH3/ETH/CO2 Calibrator, 6: NH3/ETH/CO2 Control A, 7: NH3/ETH/CO2 Control N, 8: Anti-HAV IgM Elecsys cobas e 100, 9: Anti-HAV IgM PC Elecsys, 10: Anti-HBc IgM Elecsys cobas e 100, 11: Anti-HBc IgM PC Elecsys, 12: Anti-HBc G2 Elecsys cobas e 100, 13
It Ref Id - 99535916
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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