Country - Denmark
Summary - New Simulators For S-Train Drivers
Deadline - Mar 05, 2026
IT reference number - 104381959
Product classification - Training simulators
Address - Denmark
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 104381959
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: This is a notice to invite to market dialogue and to inform potential Suppliers of DSB's intention to announce a tender in April 2025 on a contract regarding the purchase, implementation, support as well as maintenance of estimated 6 des ktop-sized simulators to use for the training of Danish S-train drivers employed by DSB (Danish S-Train Operator). The simulators are part of the basis and continuing training of train drivers and has an emphasis on the CBTC Train control system. Purchased simulators are intended to replace the current simulators provided by Siemens in 2014, which are nearing end-of-life. DSB invites all interested Suppliers to provide written contribution to the
It Ref Id - 104381959
Deadline - Mar 05, 2026
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