Country - Panama
Summary - Miscellaneous (Sma)
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 91274503
Product classification - Chemical products
Address - Panama
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 91274503
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: PURCHASE OF PRINTER SUPPLIES, NATIONAL DECORATIONS, COLORED MANILA PAPER, LAMINATING MACHINE AND OTHER SUPPLIES FOR USE AT THE SCHOOL.notice_title: Miscellaneous (Sma).notice_contract_type: Goods.local_description: COMPRA DE CONSUMIBLES PARA IMPRESORAS, ORNAMENTOS PATRIOS, PAPEL MANILA DE COLORES, MAQUINA LAMINADORA Y OTROS INSUMOS PARA USO EN EL CENTRO ESCOLAR.local title:: DIVERSOS (sma).grossbudgetlc: 7286.86.est_amount: 7286.86.category: Tintas,Tintas,Tintas,Tintas,Cartuchos de tinta,Cartuchos de tinta,Cartuchos de tinta,Cartuchos de tinta,Toner,Ornamentos y decoraciones,Marcos de papel,Marcos de papel,Ornamentos y decoraciones,Banderitas autoadhesivas,Lino,Cabos de amarre,P
It Ref Id - 91274503
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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