Country - Ukraine
Summary - Hemostatic Sponge Surgispon 1G Powder No. 1, Bind Nester. 5*10 (Malva) Vatfarm, Cotton Wool 50G Nester Hygienic Roll White Snow, Syringe One 10Vl 3-Pack Medplast 2 Needles (21G 0.8*38Mm, 23G 0.6*32Mm), Stomach Probe Ch18 Js, Syringe One 2Ml 3-Pack Computer Ayset 2 Needles (G23*32Mm, G24*25Mm)
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 72996158
Product classification - Cotton
Address - Ukraine
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 72996158
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - A contract has been awarded by Department of Education of the Executive Committee of the Slavut City Council for Hemostatic Sponge Surgispon 1G Powder No. 1, Bind Nester. 5*10 (Malva) Vatfarm, Cotton Wool 50G Nester Hygienic Roll White Snow, Syringe One 10Vl 3-Pack Medplast 2 Needles (21G 0.8*38Mm, 23G 0.6*32Mm), Stomach Probe Ch18 Js, Syringe One 2Ml 3-Pack Computer Ayset 2 Needles (G23*32Mm, G24*25Mm) to .
It Ref Id - 72996158
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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