Barge-ag: Increasing Inland Waterway Transportation By Modernising Antwerp Gateway's Infrastructure Capacity

ANTWERP GATEWAY NV Belgium has Released a tender for Barge-ag: Increasing Inland Waterway Transportation By Modernising Antwerp Gateway's Infrastructure Capacity in . The tender was released on Jan 01, 1970.

Country - Belgium

Summary - Barge-ag: Increasing Inland Waterway Transportation By Modernising Antwerp Gateway's Infrastructure Capacity

Deadline - login to view

IT reference number - 10294893

Product classification -

Organization Details:

  Address - Belgium

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  IT Ref Id - 10294893

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Programme: CEF TransportCall year:2019Location of the Action:BelgiumImplementation schedule: March 2020 to December 2023Maximum EU contribution: €9,673,360Total eligible costs: €48,366,798Percentage of EU support: 20%Coordinator: Antwerp Gateway NV (Belgium) corridor:North Sea - Baltic, North Sea - Mediterranean, Rhine - AlpineTransport mode:Inland WaterwaysThe port of Antwerp aims to become Europe's most sustainable port and therefore aims to increase container barge transport from 36% to 42% by 2030. This can only be achieved with infrastructure that allows for reliable barge transportation and can offer cost-efficient cargo transfe

It Ref Id - 10294893

Deadline - Dec 31, 2023


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