Country - Portugal
Summary - Acquisition Of 2 (Two) Washing Machines For The Ivdp Test Service, Ip
Deadline - login to view
IT reference number - 104895468
Product classification - Dishwashing machines
Address - Portugal
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
IT Ref Id - 104895468
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Acquisition of 2 (two) washing machines glasses for the IVDP test service, Ipaquisition of 2 (two) washing machines for the IVDP Test Service, IPlocal title:: Aquisição de 2 (duas) máquinas de lavar copos para o Serviço de Prova do I VDP, IPlocal description: : Aquisição de 2 (duas) máquinas de lavar copos para o Serviço de Prova do IVDP, IPAquisição de 2 (duas) máquinas de lavar copos para o Serviço de Prova do IVDP, IPNet Budget Euro: : 3080.0Net Budget LC: : 3080.0 est_amount: 3080.0 lot_details: 1: Acquisition of 2 (two) washing machines for the IVDP Test Service, IP
It Ref Id - 104895468
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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